Did you know this about West Parish Church?
The first Pastor of West Parish Church was Samuel L. Jackson. He graduated from Andover Theological Seminary as Valedictorian. He was 24 when he became the first Pastor of West Parish Church and was also one of longest serving Pastors (from 1827-1850). He earned $600.00 per year and was paid only two times a year. The average reported salary in 1827 was between $200 - 700 per year.
Visit our Celebrating Our Journey of Faith Page for all our Did You Knows.
Rev. Renee Manning preaching! Join her, Katrina, Demetri and the choir for worship. Sunday School meets.
Join Katrina every Second Sunday for a discussion of some of the big topics of our faith. The next meeting is Sunday, February 9 at 11:30 am in the parlor and we will share our beliefs about communion! What is communion for? What do you think happens during communion?
Join us during and after coffee hour on Sunday, February 16 when we will recognize those of us who have been West Parish members for fifty years!
Amber will be away Feb 17 - 20 and the church office will be closed. Email and voicemail will NOT be checked during this time.
Come and share your journey of grief in a small group. Everyone is welcome, whether your grief is fresh or you have been carrying it with you for many years. We'll meet in the Smith Purdon Room after coffee hour on February 23.
Calling all Ministries and groups of the church! If you would like some bulletin board space to highlight your activities and share information, please visit Fellowship Hall about 11:15 am on Sunday, February 23. This will be a brief gathering to figure out which groups will use which boards.
Mark your calendars for this moving service that begins the season of Lent. We will gather in the Cemetery Chapel on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 pm and amidst stained glass and candlelight, receive ashes, sing and pray.
The next meeting for our 5-9th graders will be a joint outing with Faith Luthern Church! We'll go bowling on Sunday, March 30 at 1:00 pm. Meet at Academy Lanes in Haverhill.
Kids begin in worship and then may depart for Sunday School with our Sunday School Coordinator, Emelie, and a parent volunteer. Childcare for our littlest ones is available in the nursery. Note that there is no Sunday School on the first Sundays of the month.
Our Care Circles are another way to stay connected and care for one another. Everyone is in a Care Circle! Reach out Cheryl, Katrina or your Care Circle Leader if you have a question or a need.
Gather Saturdays in the Parlor or on zoom at 8:00 am. We serve donuts and coffee. What more is there tosay?
Calling all cooks! The committee is putting together a cookbook and we need your recipes - whether it be a tried-and-true old family recipe or a new favorite! If known, please include helpful hints - ie: vegan, gluten free, # of servings, etc. See our weekly email for where to send recipies.
Immigration Community Sponsorship Program
West Parish is proudly sponsoring an immigrant family that has secured housing in the Haverhill area. Join the team as they embark upon this rewarding opportunity to help a family receive the critical support they need to achieve independence and self-sufficiency in their new community. You determine your role and the amount of time you can commit. See our weekly email for more information
Ballard Vale Community Pantry
A permanent collection bin has been placed in the sanctuary entryway to collect nonperishable food items for the 24 hour pantry.
Women's Evening Circle is sponsoring another winter apparel drive for women in need from the Merrimack Valley. Bundle Up is a program offered by Uncommon Threads, an empowerment boutique for local women who may not have warm clothing for the upcoming cold weather. We will be collecting warm sweaters, winter coats, boots, hats, scarves, and gloves. A collection bin is located in the hallway near the office door. WEC will continue to keep the collection box in case there are additional donations for this worthy cause. Please help keep our friends warm this winter.
We are a theologically progressive Protestant church, where ALL are welcome to learn, grow, seek, and strive to build a better world.
Wonder, create, and learn! All children of all ages - are invited to attend Church Services or Sunday School.
Stay connected with people in the community through worship, volunteer and fundraising activities.
We invite you to join us in the Sanctuary for Sunday Worship starting at 10 am. Our service is about 45 minutes long.
If you're unable to join us in person, click the link below to watch the service via Live Stream at 10 am on Sunday.
If you are struggling with food insecurity, click below for more details on available resources in the Andover Area.
Welcome to West Parish! West Parish Church is such a vibrant and diverse community — I am so grateful to be serving here!
We are small enough that we can really welcome you, and large enough to make things happen! So whether you’re unfamiliar with church and looking to try it out, or you have been away from Christianity for a while, or you’re new to the area and seeking a spiritual home, we will be delighted to have you join us!
Our pastor offer words of encouragement, wisdom, support, and understanding in the Pastor's Blog.