1826 - 2026
The West Parish Congregational Meeting House was built with the funds of a private subscription of West Parish residents when the South Church decided not to fund a new meeting house "for worship in the westerly side of the Shawsheen River" in 1826.
Captain Solomon Holt circulated the subscription and gave the land for the church. Shares were sold and the $5,500 was raised in two years, mostly by pew sales. The cornerstone was laid June 15, 1826 by Saint Mathews Lodge according to Masonic ritual. The church was built by Captain Reuben Frye, mason, and carpenters John and Cyrus Brown. Reverend Samuel Jackson was installed as the first minister on June 6, 1827.
The committee for the 200th Anniversary of West Parish Church has been sifting through and digesting the archival records of the church. Since many of us are new to West Parish Church and its rich history, we thought it would be enlightening and fun to share some of the tidbits we have learned over the past two years of preparation. Every month in 2025, you will see a “Did You Know This About West Parish?” in the weekly announcements. These will all be based on information we have read in the archives. Some will be history-based, some will be humorous and some will be downright astonishing. We hope that you enjoy them!
As early as 1788, members of what was to become West Parish petitioned the General Court of Boston looking to separate West Parish from Andover South Parish but the petition was withdrawn. One of the reasons residents of the Western area of Andover wanted this new Parish was that residents in the Western area of Andover no longer wanted to undertake the long travel involved in traveling to South Church. Remember, they were walking or traveling by horse and buggy with no real roads carved out. In 1826, after much discussion and conflict, the Westerly Meeting House Company was formed.
The first Pastor of West Parish Church was Samuel L. Jackson. He graduated from Andover Theological Seminary as Valedictorian. He was 24 when he became the first Pastor of West Parish Church and was also one of longest serving Pastors (from 1827-1850). He earned $600.00 per year and was paid only two times a year. The average reported salary in 1827 was between $200 - 700 per year.
Stay tuned for celebration details as 2026 closes in!