No matter what happens

Good People,


I don't know what to say. My mind and heart are swirling with all kinds of emotions. I am exhausted. I would like to crawl under my desk and stay there.


But I am also called to be your pastor, to minister to all of you: those of you who voted for Donald Trump, those of you who voted for Kamala Harris, and those of you who made other choices. I love you all, even if I don't understand your vote. And the beauty of church is that we are bound together by something greater than our political affiliations: we are all seeking God. We are all followers of Jesus. And to me, Jesus was very clear: love your neighbors, welcome strangers, feed the hungry, visit prisoners, protect the vulnerable, forgive often, extend mercy, do not judge, give to the poor, share what you have, pray always.


This is our work, and this work continues no matter who is our president. No matter what happens, God goes with us, leading us always to greater wholeness and peace. The light still shines. Look for the light.