They are back!

They are back! They are back in the very same shocking location. I saw them there last week as I drove home: a family of Canada Geese. Just like years past, there were two adult geese and about three goslings, all causally standing just a foot from the edge of route 495! There is a small pond there, just after the Westford exit. But this goose family was not next to the pond, they were nestled up next to the pavement, as if hoping to catch a ride. The babies looked precariously close to the cars that rushed by.


Are these the same geese parents that I've seen in previous years? Why do they return to the same odd location? What is appealing to the geese about this place, when it seems so desolate and dangerous to me? And why do they stand so close to the highway?!


I feel exasperated as I drive by-- frustrated that their choice of location puts them in danger.


Dangerous places abound in our world - whether that's a roadway or one's own home or a place where bombs fall - life is precarious. And so Jesus reminds us: Don't worry about today. Seek the kingdom of God. Do not be afraid. I will give you rest. Love one another. I am with you always.